OSIRIS: Ophthalmic Surgery Intelligent Robotic Integrated System

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Questo video illustra la mia invenzione OSIRIS Ophthalmic Surgery Intelligent Robotic Integrated System, tuttora in fase di sviluppo, che rivoluziona il mondo della chirurgia in genere. Una nuova concezione di chirurgia oculare sempre più sicura ed affidabile.

O.S.I.R.I.S. will guide the surgeon through the surgery

Following are the FEATURES of O.S.I.R.I.S.
1. “Closed System Capability” (no need for an OR)
2. Working Remotely
3. “Proximity” errors control. When the surgery controlled parameters runs out of scale OSIRIS stops the procedure
4. Surgeons Training
5. Donors Tissues Preparation and supervision of their integration in the host

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    Data di pubblicazioneMar 31, 2017


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